Fifth Sunday of Easter
This story takes place on the Sea of Galilee. The sea is a wonderful and strange place. When the wind blows, the sea becomes very rough and wild. And when the wind is calm, the sea is peaceful and still.
After God raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus’ disciples returned to Galilee, where Jesus had told them to meet him. One evening several of them decided to go fishing.
They fished all night but caught nothing. Just after daybreak they saw someone on the beach. But they couldn’t tell who it was. He called to them, “Have you caught any fish?” “No!” they answered. “Cast the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they did. Now there were so many fish they couldn’t pull in the net. Someone said, “It’s Jesus!”
Peter jumped into the water and ran to him. The others came in the boat dragging the net, When they came ashore, they saw a charcoal fire with fish and bread on it.
“Come and eat.” Jesus said. The disciples realized this was Jesus. Then Jesus took the bread and gave it to them…and also the fish. I wonder how the disciples feel when Jesus doesn’t seem to be around anymore?