To further beautify our worship space, floral designs are created for the church per requested dedications. Volunteers need no special skills, just the joy of arranging fresh, seasonal, plant material in whatever style the arranger chooses. For those new to flower arranging, an experienced arranger will help guide as needed.

To request and dedicate Sunday flowers, please do the following steps (Note that the suggested donation for flowers is $65.00):

  • Donate on-line, click DONATE button (enter PIN or create a Tithe.ly account, enter amount, select Card or Bank, & click Cover Fees, if desired)
  • - OR - Donate via check, add 'Flowers' in the Memo section & send to the Mailing Address below or leave in the Donation basket at the Church.
  • Click SIGN-UP SHEET button (when it opens, type your name next to the desired date, type your Dedication, and preferred flowers (optional))

Historic Church and Church

Preparation is done for each of the services: cloths are arranged, wine is poured, hosts are set out, candles are lit. Afterwards, everything is cleaned and stored for the next weeks' services. For new volunteers, instructions and mentoring are provided. Click the buttons to see the sign-up / schedule sheets for each Church.


GREETERS make a first and lasting impression on newcomers or anyone who appreciates a warm hello at St. Francis. They offer a greeting as people enter the church, distribute bulletins, and are available for a chat during coffee hour, and to answer any questions.

USHERS help by closing and opening the sanctuary doors at the start and end of the service, recording attendance, and ushering communicants to the altar to receive communion. After the service, ushers collect the bulletins, and return the hymnals and prayer books to the chairs' book shelves.


Chalice bearers are responsible for several important activities during the service. The Crucifer leads the procession into the church at the beginning of the Service, reads the Prayers of the People, and extinguishes the candles at the end of the service.


The centerpiece of worship services is the proclamation of the Biblical text, which provides the context for sermons. Lectors read the appointed first (Old Testament) and second (New Testament letters) lessons.


The LEV ministry is a way to connect with parishioners who are unable to join us for worship. LEVs bring blessed bread and wine to our shut-ins. LEVs hold a short service including communion. Parish news, greetings, and any special intention requests are shared. Those at home are happy for the visit and the service!


Coffee hour at the Church is a welcome and welcoming tradition at St. Francis. It is held on certain Sundays after the 10 AM service (see Services tab for Coffee Hour schedule). Hosted by rotating volunteer parishioners, it is a time to catch up with fellow parishioners and to meet newcomers while sharing snacks.


To broaden our perspective of the world, we regularly read books that lead to dynamic and thought-provoking discussions. Typically about 5 books from September thru June with the exception of Advent and Lent for which we typically listen to podcasts. This is open to all interested people. Click BOOKS button to see the current list and schedule. Click stfrancisstamford@gmail.com for more info.


Landscaping is typically done on a monthly basis by various volunteers to maintain the grounds at both the Church and Historic Church. Seasonal chores are tackled: weeding, fertilizing, planting, pruning, and deadheading. 


Oversee and / or perform the required upkeep to maintain all aspects of the church campuses. The goal is to do these activities so that their costs are within or under budget.


So many movies to pick from . . . but the club gets a consensus on up-coming movies which everyone watches in advance of the meeting. Once a month on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, the club gets together, shares some light snacks and has a lively discussion about the movie's meaning, relevance, etc. Click MOVIES button to see the list of past and upcoming selections. Click stfrancisstamford@gmail.com for additional info regarding discussion times and locations.


Enjoy nature and lively conversation while hiking on various trails in the surrounding vicinity! About once per month (except during the wintry months), we meet and hike together on specified Saturday mornings. Join us! Click stfrancisstamford@gmail.com to get in touch with the hike leader for details. Click HIKES to see the schedule of past and future hikes.


The Stewardship committee is responsible for raising the funds required to operate the parish through our annual pledge drive. Most of the committee's activities occur from October through January, coordinating the annual appeal mailing, handling questions and information requests, and following up with announcements about the importance of stewardship at St. Francis.


The Reimagining Church committee, developed out of a pilot program with Yale Divinity School, invites churches to reflect on the spiritual, social, demographic, economic and other realities of their context that impinge upon religiou practice generally and church vitality specifically. We consider what God is calling us to at this point in time, in this location, and what activities, programs, or initiatives we might offer based on that information.